3 Years Warranty
Fan Included No No
Heat Spreader Aluminum Aluminum
Memory Size 32GB 16GB
Performance Profile XMP 3.0 XMP 3.0
SPD Speed 4000MHz 4800MHz
Tested Latency 40-40-40-77 40-40-40-77
Tested Speed (Up To) 5600 5600
Memory Color BLACK BLACK
Memory Compatibility Intel 600 Series,Intel 700 Series Intel 600 Series,Intel 700 Series
Memory Type DDR5 DDR5
Package Memory Format DIMM DIMM
Package Memory Pin 288 288
SPD Latency 32-32-32-64 40-40-40-77
SPD Voltage 1.1V 1.1V
Tested Voltage 1.25V 1.25V
Weight 0.12 0.12
Power Draw Overclock PMIC Overclock PMIC
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CORSAIR VENGEANCE DDR5, optimized for Intel® motherboards, delivers higher frequencies and greater capacities of DDR5 technology in a high-quality, compact module that suits your system.